вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

Elderly Shopper Punched In The Face Over Nutella Samples At Costcobo

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  • (ronnyg)

    One would think combining free sample day and Nutella would create the ideal shopping experience. That certainly wasn’t the case at a California Costco where an elderly shopper was punched in the face was punched in the face in the name of free chocolate hazelnut spread.

    The Burbank Leader reports that a 78-year-old man was punched in the face on Sunday morning after asking an excessive sample grabber to share with others.

    Police say the incident occurred when a 24-year-old man snatched several Nutella and Eggo Waffle samples from a cart.

    The older shopper reportedly told the younger man to take just one sample, at which point the overzealous younger man allegedly punched his fellow shopper in the face.

    Authorities say the older man was transported to the hospital with a one-inch cut and swelling to his eye.

    The younger man was arrested on suspicion of elder abuse following the incident.

    Elderly man reportedly punched at Costco by excessive Nutella-sampling shopper [The Burbank Leader]

by Ashlee Kieler
via Consumerist

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