пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.

U.S. Forest Service Issued Detailed Chart For Mixing 21 Cocktails In 1974 Government Documentbo

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  • (U.S. National Archives)

    (U.S. National Archives)

    If there’s one thing that everyone knows about the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service is that those guys love mixing up a tasty cocktail. Wait, actually, it’s doubtful anyone would know how much the government workers adore a properly made martini, as evidenced by a 1974 document with a detailed chart on how to make 21 different cocktails, complete with diagrams.

    Over at the Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Ana Swanson takes note of the in-depth pictorial guide from the forestry department, a nicely illustrated chart that outlines the ingredients and portioning for an Old Fashioned, Manhattan, a gin fizz, something called “Stars & Stripes” and more.

    The chart, which is currently living in the U.S. National Archives in Washington, D.C., also has illustrations detailing everything from what a “dash” of something is to sugar cubes.

    Further proving that these workers liked to get a chuckle while on the job, the chart includes the names of those who checked it over, “self-appointed barmasters” named I Mixum, Ima Sot, Jim Beam and I.P. Freely.

    Potty humor and booze together — a partnership that will never get old.

    A 1974 government document shows how to make a proper cocktail [Chicago Tribune]

by Mary Beth Quirk

via Consumerist

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